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How to get involved?

The aim of the 'Pomorsko je dobro’ project ('Maritime property is good') for the preservation of maritime property is to encourage citizens and institutions to protect maritime property more actively

Be informed

Find out about maritime property management plans in your community and check the rights and obligations of the concessionaires

Educate yourself

Learn all the differences between concessions and concession approval, and all that is implied under the devastation of the maritime property

Be active

Report the devastation of the maritime property because it is our property

Informacijski sustav pomorskog dobra

Informacijski sustav pomorskog dobra

Informiraj se o planovima upravljanja, dozvolama na pomorskom dobru, koncesijama, granicama pomorskog dobra i lučkim područjima na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije

We are protecting and investing in maritime property!

sdz-logo 1

345.780,00 €

Ekologija mora

2.279.554,48 €

Uređenje i razvoj luka / obalne infrastrukture

107.700,00 €

Sanacija pomorskog dobra

267.250,00 €

Arhitektonsko-urbanističko uređenje plaža